January 7, 2019
Dr. Robert Tremblay
Superintendent, Framingham Public Schools
73 Mt Wayte Ave.
Framingham, MA 01702
Dear Dr. Tremblay:
The Columbus Heritage Coalition would like to acknowledge and thank the Framingham School Board for the preservation of Columbus Day as part of your school calendar. We also applaud your recognition of Indigenous People’s Day.
We do believe however that indigenous people deserve to have a day designated specifically to celebrate their heritage as we Italian Americans have that opportunity to do so on Columbus Day. It should not be one or the other but both ethnicities are entitled to have a day to celebrate the positive contributions of those who came before us. Your decision especially sets a great example for children, to whom we all want to impart a sense of fairness, tolerance and peaceful co-existence.
I am sure that indigenous people recognize the positive contributions of all ethnicities that helped to develop our great country and would welcome a day dedicated to them as the original denizens of the Americas.
With appreciation and best wishes I remain,
Sincerely yours,
Angelo Vivolo