Fall 2019 Columbus Offensive

Please register using the form below. Thank you. 

Dear Friends,

Thanks to your efforts and the work of the Columbus Heritage Coalition, we are reclaiming the true meaning of the life and legacy of Christopher Columbus for a new generation of Americans. We are also meeting the challenges posed by those who would like to stereotype Italian-Americans as recently seen in the outrageous cover of the New York Post depicting the Cuomo family as Mafiosi. We must address this type of ugly stereotyping whenever and wherever it occurs.

The good news is that in the last few months alone, dedicated volunteers from the One Voice Coalition in Glen Rock, N.J. and a grassroots campaign led by Basil Russo in Cleveland, Ohio, beat back attacks to traditional Columbus October celebrations. With the support of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, we have secured landmark status for New York’s Columbus Memorial built by immigrants more than a century ago.

These are important victories, but as 2019 Columbus Day celebrations draw near, the Columbus legacy remains under siege. Most alarmingly, the executive body of the National Education Association, the nation’s largest union representing teachers and administrators, has declared war on Columbus Day and its special meaning for Italian Americans.

Our response to such attacks must be greater unity and more advocacy. With this in mind, I invite you to the “Fall 2019 Columbus Offensive” Planning Summit to share ideas and concerns with leaders of our community.

Our meeting will take place on October 1st at 6 PM at the Columbus Citizens Foundation townhouse at 8 East 69th Street. It is imperative that you attend this very important meeting by responding to this invitation.

Please complete the form below to RSVP for this important meeting. Thank you.

With best regards,

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1- Preservation of Columbus Day.
a) Positive approach to preserving the legacy of Christopher Columbus.

  1. b) Maximize the use of social media through your membership.
  2. c) Survey local political representatives where they stand on preserving Columbus Day.
  3. d) Be present when the the governing body in your area is discussing Columbus Day with as many participants as possible to attend the meetings.
  4. e) Letter writing and petitions to elected officials and decision makers.
  5. f) Rally the support of other ethnicities in your community.
  6. g) Be consistent polite, professional and make accurate historical statements. Positive messaging.
  7. h) Basile Russo President  ( Order of Italian Sons Daughters in America ) explains how to beat the odds and take back Columbus.


2- Be prepared for Columbus Day interviews
a) Thirty second sound bites answering questions about Columbus.
b) Predetermine your positive message to counter negative comments.  Your comments count so make sure you have a good answer.

3- Preservation of the Statue at Columbus Circle NYC
a) Ways in which you can preserve statues in your area.

4- Stereotyping.
a) “Fredo”
b) Media, local newspapers The New York Post and others.
C) Attack on Cuomo family.

5- NEA resolution.
a) Replacing Columbus Day by your local school boards.
b) Petition to the National Education Association.

6- Adding a link from your organization to the CHC website to inform others of your activities.

7- Participation on Columbus Day.
a- CCF Celebration, Parade.
b- Unity display in participating Columbus Day Parades.

c- Promotion of your Parade through the CHC website.

8- Initiated by One Voice a pro bono legal team to take legal action to preserve Columbus Day and ways in which you can participate.

9- Development of The National Columbus Education Foundation.

10- October 6th rally to support the movement for a Mother Xavier Cabrini Statue to be erected in NYC.

11- Communications and Unity is key for us to be successful and achieve our goals of preserving our Italian Heritage and Culture for our children.