
It is so important for all of us to be here today to celebrate the Cristoforo Colombo Memorial in Columbus Circle. This is not an empty ritual in connection with the federal and state holiday. Neither is it a kind of formality to fulfill for a fading tradition. And this is surely not an action...
In this attached video, historian and best-selling author Mary Grabar confronts her nemesis in absentia, the late Howard Zinn, a self-described anarchist-socialist who first and wrongly accused Christopher Columbus of genocide in his 1980 book, "A Peoples History of the United States." Prof. Grabar's research...
Mayor Eric Adams, in a show of unity for all groups, strongly endorses the National Columbus Day Parade in New York City and the celebration of Italian and Italian American culture...
This Columbus Day, we mark the 80th anniversary of the arrests, interments, curfews, and mass surveillance of more than 600,000 Italian American immigrants during World War II. Liberties and civil rights were stripped away by mere presidential proclamation, not for crimes but for heritage, language, and culture...
If you are a New Yorker or care about New York, you'll want to hear what Tom di Napoli has to say. Comptroller Di Napoli, the state's chief financial officer, is also the state's senior statewide office holder, having served since 2007.
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